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Starting of Tally part 5

Types of Vouchers

Contra Voucher: This voucher is used only in case of fine transfer i.e., either Cash deposited into Bank or cash withdrawn from bank. It is for entering fund transfer transaction where net Inflow and outflow are equal, i.e., net effect is zero.

Payment Voucher: All transactions related to payment are recorded in this voucher . Such payment can be towards purchase, expense,acquisition of Fixed Assets, dues to creditor, loan/Advances etc.

Receipt Voucher: All inflow of money (in cash or through bank) are recorded through this voucher. Such receipt may be toward any Income or from your debtors or loan/ advances taken or refund of loans/ advances given earlier(F6).

Journal Voucher: This voucher is an adjustment voucher,used for non-cash transaction like adjustment between ledger accounts,provision for liabilities, income receivable, depreciation and all other provisions etc.

Debit Note: It is a part of Journal voucher. It is used to enter purchase return.

Credit  Note : It is a part of journal voucher. It is used to enter sales return.

Sale Voucher :This voucher is used for making any sales transaction and all credit sales transactions.

Purchase Voucher: This voucher is used for making any purchase transaction and credit purchase transaction.

Memorandum Voucher: This voucher is used for reminder service only which do not relate to normal business transactions. It also doesn't affect any other account.

Stock journal: This is used to transfar stock items from one go down to another go down which has no affect on financial account. It is also used to make rectification or other adjustment in stock. We may adjust shortage, evaporation, melting/moisture loss/gains.

Physical  Stock: The stock book which should tally with the physical stock on actual counting /measurement. Sometime happened that difference likely to occur this may be due to shortage,evaporation,shrinkage,moisture loss & gain etc.  To make the books reflect the true stock position, it is necessary to bring the book stock in line with physical stock.

Post-Dated Voucher: This voucher is used to pass any type of entry in advance before the due date.

Optional Voucher :It is a temporary voucher that does not update any figure anywhere. It is just recording, when transaction actually takes place we can covert the provisional voucher into regular voucher without entering the data gain.

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